Meeting on July 27, 2023

Edited Mission Statement

“Friends of Duncan Park works to preserve, protect, and enhance the park to promote equitable access and enjoyment for all.”

Reviewed Duncan Park Budget Presented by PAL
Link: Duncan Park Budget

Brainstormed Potential Projects
Projects appear to fall in 3 categories:
Community Events / PR (5K Race)
Construction Projects (Bench, Sign kiosks)
Service (Work Days)
We will send out a survey soon so that you can vote on the projects that you think should be prioritized

History of Duncan Park – Celebrating 100 years
Link: Lewis Jones History of Duncan Park article
Original Duncan Park General Development Plan (see below)
New Duncan Park Revitalization Plan (see below)

Additional Info
We set our next meeting date – Thursday, August 24, 2023 at CC Woodson Community Center.
Email address for contacting –
Please forward this email along to anyone you think might be interested. They can sign up for the newsletter using the link at the bottom of this message.

Special thanks to Evelyn Blakley for sharing the following:

Did you know it’s easier than ever to let our City Environmental Enforcement team know about environmental concerns in your neighborhood? ⚠️
With our Environmental Enforcement complaint form, City residents can report illegal dumping, visual obstructions, potholes, tree hazards, and more right on our website!

Bookmark this link for a convenient way to tell us about environmental hazards in your community next time they arise:…/Environmental…
(Original link replaced)

Kindest Regards,

Kathy Hill
Community Relations Manager
864.596.2905 office
864.809.8825 mobile

Distributed via email from the City of Spartanburg